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Why my little slice of the Saugatuck is a lot like your business.

Why my little slice of the Saugatuck is a lot like your business.

Jenna Roche: MBA, Mindset Marketer, Hiker, Gluten-free Vegetarian, Dog-lover, IKEA Kitchen Fan, Star Trek and [ pretty much anything] Sci Fi Enthusiast.

Hello, I'm Jenna Roche.

The slice of the Saugatuck River that runs behind my home in Redding ebbs and flows with the seasons. Sometimes it runs so quietly, we can hear the plop of a frog breaking the surface. Other days, the current runs so hard, it keeps the deer from crossing, and we can hear the rocky churns of the wooshing water through our open windows at night.

It’s our family compass—how we start our day. Our morning kitchen talk typically begins with, “the river is really running today,” or “I don’t think I’ve ever seen it so low,” or “jeez, check out the ice!”

After years in this home, we know that the river will swell and stir up quick from weather systems that are far outside our purview. But, even with the wildcard of Mother Nature, one thing is steadfast. Our glorious, powerful, splashy, ominous, joyful, turtley, rafty river never stops running.

SOUND FAMILIAR? I’m the daughter of a lifelong entrepreneur. And, over the past 27 years I have worked for more than a dozen small business owners (plus I had a couple draining corporate stints, a wacky gig at NASA, and my own storied venture). Your business might not be right outside your kitchen window, but in one way or another, it’s always in view. And, your business is as exciting, scary, beautiful, relentless, invigorating, and ever-present as the river that runs behind our home.

In my experience, marketing for the entrepreneur feels personal. In some way (or maybe in all ways), your brand is an extension of your values, your style, and your talents. In order for you to really leverage your marketing content, it should feel as comfortable as your favorite old concert tee.

What is Mindset Marketing?

I make the entrepreneur home base. What do you know for certain? What do you want? What comes naturally? I want to craft content and messaging that sets you up to meet customers' needs with the greatest of ease.
I help you identify your ideal customers and what drives their purchasing mindsets. Then we identify all the steps in the buyer's journey and the content you need to address them.
We find the sweet spot where your mindset aligns with that of your ideal customers. And I create messaging and an organizational voice that feels true to you and resonates with your buyers.
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FREE Fit Chat!

Let’s find out if we’re a good fit!

Let's sit

on the banks of your “river,”


AWESOME new ways

I can help grow your business.

Mindset Marketing Spheres

What is Mindset Marketing?

I make the entrepreneur home base. What do you know for certain? What do you want? What comes naturally? I want to craft content and messaging that sets you up to meet customers' needs with the greatest of ease.
I help you identify your ideal customers and what drives their purchasing mindsets. Then we identify all the steps in the buyer's journey and the content you need to address them.
We find the sweet spot where your mindset aligns with that of your ideal customers. And I create messaging and an organizational voice that feels true to you and resonates with your buyers.
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In my experience, marketing for the entrepreneur feels personal. In some way (or maybe in all ways), your brand is an extension of your values, your style, and your talents. In order for you to really leverage your marketing content, it should feel as comfortable as your favorite old concert tee.

Let's sit

on the banks of your “river,”


AWESOME new ways

I can help grow your business.

Mindset Marketing Spheres

FREE Fit Chat!

Let’s find out if we’re a good fit!